Sunday, December 14, 2008

Foreclosure Auction Sale

Magic Spells To Help You With Foreclosure Auction Sales

Some of the most numerous surviving magic spells in the last few centuries revolve around buying and selling homes. Although there is still a brisk trade in spells to help you find love and cure warts, there are also a lot to choose from in buying a home, even if it's through a foreclosure auction sale. Most of these spells can be modified to meet your needs or religious beliefs.

St. Joseph

If your home is slated for a foreclosure auction sale, you should be able to stop the auction proceedings if you find someone to buy your house. You still will have to move out, but at least you won’t be under so much crushing debt as before. If you need to attract a buyer very quickly, you need to buy a small figurine of St. Joseph (the Catholic saint of home life) and bury it head-down or with the head pointing towards the street.

You can pray to St. Joseph, anoint the statue with holy water or give some money to charity during the burial process – it really doesn’t matter. In order to get the Saint to help you in your foreclosure auction sale problems, you need to be sincere and you need to be looking for another place to live. You can’t expect even St. Joseph to do all of your work for you.


If you are on the other end of the foreclosure auction sale process, you will want to be the lucky one with the winning bid. One way to insure this luck is to make a sigil. Sigils have been used for centuries for just about anything you want. They still work today, in the way that any lucky charm brings you luck.

The theory is that by making the lucky charm yourself, you put more of your energy into the process, and this charges your wish like electricity charges up a battery. It also keeps you from going crazy waiting for the day of the government foreclosure auction.

To make a sigil, draw a symbol of the home you want to buy in the foreclosure auction sale. Make this symbol in any way you like out of any materials you like. Even markers and construction paper will do. Keep the sigil with your materials on the foreclosure auction sale and then take it with you when you make the bid. If you can make the bid by phone, then hold it while making the call.

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